Evaluates the current business strategy with the objective of developing tune-up considerations
Provides guidance on financial and cash flow best practices
to match the company’s strategy
Initiates and expands relationships with banks, specialty lenders, mezzanine funds, and private equity partners
Advises on asset management, debt, and liquidity related issues
Provides direction on cost and efficiency related options
(Balance Sheet efficiencies often result in a net reduction
in working capital accountability by reducing the days of asset accountability on hand and increasing the aggregate of current
liability accountability.)
Enhances communication with stakeholders including the
leadership team, lenders, shareholder
Understands flash-point issues and develops potential solutions
Works with Leadership to Assess the Company’s
Strategy, Operational Execution & Related
Cash Flow/Earnings Performance
Conducts a High Level Strategic, Operational, and Financial
Review of Client Operations, Employee & Departmental
Performance to Identify Problems Areas
Evaluates Sales Strategies and Marketing Initiatives
Gathers Internal and External Information to
Create Solutions for Execution
Reviews Previous Business Plans and Helps to
Develop a New Blueprint for Success
Implements Changes to Enhance Operating Model and
Functional Business Practices
Evaluates Existing Management Systems
Provides On-going Support with the Execution Process
Conducts a Comprehensive Review of Exit Strategies,
Presenting the Pros and Cons of Each Option.
Reviews Implications and Strategies for Each Option with a
Tax Planning Attorney and a CPA
Communicates Financial Implications to Owners, Employees,
Shareholders and Stakeholders
Provides Assistance in the Formation of Family Councils for
Family-Owned Businesses to Help Ease Transitions and Educate
all Participants of Their Responsibilities and the Overall Decision
Making Process for the Exit/Succession Plan.
Encourages a Value System Consistent with the Mission and Vision Statement of the Company
Guides the Company in a Strategic and Thoughtful Manner Based Upon Both Short- and Long-Term Goals and Objectives
Offers Unique Internal and External Points of View
Manages and Mitigates Perceived and Real Risk Factors